Use the contact information below if you need immediate medical attention outside of the Clarke Health Center's normal hours of operation.


Arnot Odgen Medical Center
600 Roe Avenue
Elmira, New York 14905
(607) 737-4100

Guthrie Corning Hospital
One Guthrie Drive
Corning, New York 14830
(607) 937-7200

Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital
One Guthrie Square
Sayre, Pennsylvania
(570) 888-6666

Elmira Urgent Care
360 West Water Street
Elmira, New York 14905
(607) 732-1100

WellNow Urgent Care
503 Park Pl
Elmira, New York 14901
(607) 207-9755

Identify yourself as an Elmira College student. Bring your insurance card to your appointment.
Students are responsible for the cost of all services provided off campus.

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